Saturday, October 1, 2011


They say to be learned you should seek what you've yearned,
And not stand with your feet resting still.
To stare at a map means that you're just a sap,
So stop standing and go seek your thrill.

It's the south for I've longed so I'll right all I've wronged,
And head to a place I ain't been.
NOLA's food is her niche, from her grits to crawfish,
Yes I've dreamt of her since I was ten.

I boarded the plane, said goodbye to mundane,
Took my seat and relaxed with a drink.
Have a blast I needn't try to, after all it's the bayou,
A thrill despite how much I blink.

When we landed at sundown the day had been rundown,
The cup of the night had been spilt.
The cab to the culture gave birth to my vulture,
I'd drink up what past men had built.

Hurricanes red went straight to my head,
Huge ass beers went for six bucks a pop,
The street entertainers, to-do-list no brainers,
I got beads without losing my top.

I drank and I ate and the dancing was great,
Cut a rug 'til the sun said hello.
The darkness gave way to a groundhog-esque day,
Repeated all as would any fellow.

NOLA came back for more so I opened her door
Took her in as if she were my own.
She reciprocated, a birthday belated,
Could stay here 'til old I have grown.

But alas I must leave, heading west I shall weave,
Though my heart will now always be where
The humidity and heat tap in synch with the beat,
Bourbon Street and I make a great pair.

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